What we do?
Our goal is to establish design management as an essential strategic factor in transforming the Slovene economy into a sustainable and innovative economy focused on developing its own markets.
We provide companies and organizations with topical knowledge and practices that increase international competitiveness and promote the transformation of business models into sustainable ones.
About KCDM
KCDM 3.0 - The third generation of The Competence Centre for Design Management is an association of three partnerships (altogether 55 companies) working on developing competence in specific fields of design management: the basics of it, service design and sustainable design. Lead partners in the project are NEC Notranjski ekološki center, Cerknica, Gigodesign 3 d.o.o. , CER - Center energetsko učinkovitih rešitev. The project was granted 1.476.000,00 EUR from years 2020 to 2023 by Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in Slovenia.